
Homepage of Makrai József


News and changes

2003 Oct 10
Created the first version of the page. Most of the material I intend to put here is not HTML-ized yet, therefore the current content is minimal.

Table of contents

Here is what is available (or may be available in the near future):


Board games: Chess, Go, Othello
My attempt at creating a ruleset for the game go. Also collected are my rules related notes and some beasts for testing.
An idea for a rating system with certain fixed anchors.
Playing engines for Chess and Othello.
Data compression
Tests, results, scripts, algorithms.
Software I've written (or co-authored) for this ancient gem, including yStart (start menu), Secal (programming language and dev. environment), and minor utilities. Most of them can be found on Aminet.
Other programming
Miscellaneous stuff.


I can be reached at dnc@fw.hu.

Created: 2003 Oct 10        Updated: 2003 Oct 12